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Looking To Contribute A Guest Post?

Do you love animals and treat them as part of your family? When you see a cat, hamster or dog, do you stop for a moment to play with them? If you answered yes, then You may be into writing articles about them?
Our website is constantly growing, so we need new writers that can help craft amazing content and help other pet owners to obtain the ideal products for their companions by submitting guest posts.
Asides from the pet part, our website also focuses on baby gates, so if you want to help new parents to enhance the security for the little ones, then you are more than welcome to join us. You will review different models of gates in your own words, regardless whether it comes to retractable baby gates, gates for the stairs or walk-through gates. As the old saying goes, “There is something out there for everyone!”.
If you have a knack for words, some writing experience, and are not afraid to take on new challenges, then You are what we need. Make sure to apply using your best contact details, a portfolio (if you have), and a short motivational letter in which to tell us why you want to work for us.
When writing for PetAndBabyGates, we provide detailed guidelines for each article that, telling you the format that you need to follow. Moreover, we review each piece, congratulate you for the good articles, and provide constructive feedback on those that need improvement.
PetAndBabyGates is like a big family comprised of copywriters, editors, designers and administrators. But on top of it, we are all animal lovers who enjoy having a good time in the presence of our companions. As we mentioned before, it’s important to love pets regardless of species (we do not review bats or crocodiles, just the usual pets that people like having around). It’s important to love babies as well, since we review gates and other accessories that aid to their security. If you believe that you have all these things, then now it’s the best time to contact and convince us that you are the one that we need in our team.
Competition can be quite fierce even in the world guest blogging, but if you have the skills enumerated above, then you should have nothing to fear. Contact us right now, tell us a bit about why you’re reaching out.
We currently are NOT taking anymore free guest post! If you wish to guest post with petandbabygates.com, we are now asking for a $50 processing fee. There will be no exception, no freebies. Emails that wish to post for free will be completely ignored.

YOU SUBJECT TITLE MUST SAY “I acknowledge your time is worth $50”.

It must say that in your subject when you send the email or it’s auto-rejected by default and I won’t even see it. I’m not doing link exchange, or a free article contribution, or everything else, auto reject if you’re not ready to pay the $50 don’t even contact me.
All guest post are read and edited by me, I also make a featured image and I add more royalte free images, and usually I find a video I can add in there too if I can and I do a bunch of formatting. Doing all this work takes time, my time is worth something! Don’t ask for free post.

    Just honest opinions!